
  1. In lambda we should not dependent on the outside virable to finish some logic,(but why?) When using lambda expression, we need dependent on the upper layer output, evey lambda expression should keep as stateless as possible. Stream operation should be less than 3 lines.

  2. There is java.util.Function package, all the interfaces in the package only has a method, these interfaces are designed for lambda.

  3. Stream are stands for operations, if there are not termination operations, these stream operations will not be executed, the termination operations includes .collect(), forEach(), by the way forEach is the worst termination operation, we should as much as possible to use .collect() as termination operation.

  4. The termination operation .collect() can be used as collect stream into list or map, when the list or map has duplicate item, we can use the third paramter to do some extra logic , such as we can keep the latest item in the list or we can do some merge operation if multiple items have same key.

  5. Function object is more succint than lambda expression, for example, if we want to insert a key into a map, if the key is already exist in the map, we need to increment the value, but if the key does not exist, we just need to insert the value into the map. Below is the code snipe to use lambda to achive this.

    map.merge(key, 1, (cnt, increment) -> cnt + increment)

    You can see the lambda is a little difficulte to understand. But if we use function reference like below code snipet, the code is more descriptive.

     map.merge(key, 1, Integer::sum) 
  6. Function reference is not always be the best options when we coding in lambda, this only happens when the function reference is called in the same class, for the below example:


    but the lambda equivalent looks like this:

     service.execute(() -> action());
  7. There are lots of function interfaces in java.util.Function, it is not possible to remember them all, but if we can learn six basic function interfaces, other function type can be derived.
    UnaryOperator<T>     T apply(T t)         String::toLowerCase
    BinaryOperator<T>    T apply(T t1, T t2)  BigInteger::add
    Predicate<T>         boolean  test(T t)   Collection::isEmpty
    Function<T,R>        R apply(T t)         Arrays::asList
    Supplier<T>          T get()              Instant::now
    Consumer<T>          void accept(T t)     System.out::println
  8. Each basic function interfaces has 3 basic type variants, such as Int, Long, Double, the interface Predicate can has IntPredicate, LongPredicate, DoublePredicate three variants. Each these forms stands for take int, long, double data type as paramter, and return true or false. BiPredicate which means it will take in two paramters and then it will return true or false. Please see below for reference.
    Predicate   IntPredicate
    Supplier    IntSupplier
    Consumer    IntConsumer
    Function    ToIntFunction
  9. The basic function can also be prefixed with Bi, which means it will recive two parameters

    Predicate  BiPredicate  // the predicate function will recevie two parameters then return boolean value 
    Function   BiFunction  
    Consumer   BiConsumer
  10. The form To[Obj] can be used in `Function` basic function interface.

  11. The three basic type keywords Int, Long, Double can combined with Bi , such as below

    ``` Function ToIntBiFunction // this function will receive two parameters but return Int basic type. ToLongBiFunction // this function will receive two parameters but return Long basic type. ToDoubleBiFunction // this function will receive two parameters but return Double basic type.


  1. If the list is small, and we want persuite the perfermence, then we can return Set, List, Collection, but if we can not implement some methods in Collection we can only return Iterater.

  2. The Stream was introduced since Java 8, so we can use Stream or Iterable for returning list. So when we designe API to return list, we need provide both data type for list. But we need to write methods to convert Stream between Iterable. There is Iterable method in Stream class, so we can write method to convert Stream to Iterable or convert Iterable to Stream.

  3. The rule when we use .paralle, first the source should be splitable, such as ArrayList, HashMap, IO-based sources like Bloking Queue or LinkedList are not suitable for paralle. Also the size of collection should at least greater then 10000. for more detail how to caculate the size please see the link (StreamParallelGuidance)[]